Thursday, 14 September 2023

The Gower (2010) revisited (2023) and Dylan Thomas House added


Gower and Dylan Thomas Day Out 13th Sept. 2023

07.45 MEET Bristol Parkway downstairs in concourse outside ticket office to check tickets with me, matching to your RAILCARD

Then go to platform (2) for Train to Swansea.

Tickets in envelope: Bristol Pkway – Swansea (advance single on 08.04) and Swansea – Bristol Pkway on 17.23) AND match to your RAILCARD

0804 Train for Swansea

Booked seats in Carriage C

09.33 At Swansea station.

09.40 walking 5 mins

For Taxis to the Gower – either Parkmill (Three Cliffs Bay) OR direct to Oxwich.

10.15 approx Arrival in Gower – Parkgate or Oxwich

10.15-12.45 Walking, swimming, coffee etc.


14.00 TAXIS to Cwmdonkin Drive, Swansea – Dylan Thomas’s Birth place

14.45 Tour followed by tea and Welsh Cakes

16.30 Bus or walk to station

17.23 Booked train Swansea to Bristol Pkway

Booked seats in Carriage B

arrive 19.00.